Monday, August 25, 2014

Mission Memory - Trust

For those of you who don't know me very well may or may not be a little surprised to learn that I am a bit of a prankster. I couldn't get away with many pranks on the mission, but I would if I could. I was always a little afraid of pulling one on the companions that I trained, because they simply tell you that it is a no-no.

Until I was with my third companion and we were given this bag of chips.

Let me pause here. The night my new companion arrived in the mission field was the night before we knew we would be companions. All the new missionaries fly into Manchester and stay with the mission president and his wife and then they meet their trainers the next morning at transfer meeting. Except this particular group of missionaries was so large, they wouldn't all fit in the mission home, so my 2nd companion and I - in an area about 30 minutes from the mission home - went to pick up some sisters to stay the night with us.

My new companion - who didn't know she would be my new companion - was there. Her first impression of me? I'm a complete goofball. An accurate impression, I would say. She had her fair warning ahead of time.

Anyway. On the drive to our new area, I told her that I needed to trust her, and she needed to trust me in order for the companionship to work out. So, I told her that I was going to go ahead and treat her as she already earned my trust. And I believe that because we both started out with that knowledge that we needed to trust each other, we were able to work so well together for 6 months!

But before we were together for 6 months. In the very beginning, we were at a Branch function and as we were cleaning up, someone gave us these bags of chips. One was some tomato flavor and the other was chicken and waffle chips. I looked at the latter bag and decided to try one. My companion asked me what I thought and I could only describe it as a bouillon cube with syrup on it. It was gross.

A few minutes later I decided she should try one, too. But she didn't know I had come to that decision until I had a chip in my hand held up to her face and told her to "just trust me".  Her face as she hesitantly ate that chip was priceless! Then her face scrunched up and she asked me, "what IS this?" Her face displaying a look of almost betrayal.

Don't worry, we still trusted each other and I never tried to feed her anything nasty ever again. We gave the chips to the Elders, who were much more excited about the seasoning choice than we were, and we only spoke fondly of that experience ever since.

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