Sunday, October 3, 2010

sometimes you just have to wonder...

Why don't men wear skirts anymore? They used to.
And high heels. They should wear those, too.
Why do I get so hungry so often? I never used to be this hungry.
Why didn't I sign up for that 5th class? I could be taking German!
Those are three of the most pressing matters as of this moment. It might change in the next moment, but let's not talk about what is to come, but of what is pass, yes?
So, I haven't updated this blog in what, 5 weeks? yeah. something like that. I'm afraid I'm not going to apologize, because I know I'll do it again and by time I quit this blog I would have said it just about every time I write something. So no. no apologies. Plus, I would have to apologize for being boring every time I did update, because I have nothing really to say.
I don't feel like writing and editing this post correctly...
I have a head ache.
I'm hungry (see above).
Classes are going well, I'm kind of bored with the pace. I guess I could try a little harder, but that would mean I actually have to DO stuff.
No, I actually have to go in for an open lab next week because the day I have a lab has been cancelled and I need to get a project done. Fun stuff. -_-
I've been in a musical practice mood lately. I've been playing both the guitar and the ukulele. (pronounce the mainlander American way, because the possibility of Kahaili actually reading this is slim and if she is... well. Hi!!!! :D)
I've also been sketching a lot. It's really nice. The feeling of a pencil and paper in my hand and the potential that they hold is amazing. I must admit that I'm pretty proud of some of what I've done... although you won't be able to find some of it unless you look at my notes that I took in class... ... ... yeah... ... ...
I read Masques by Patricia Briggs. It was the first book I started and completed since moving down here. I then moved on to read Pride and Prejudice, which I found incredibly entertaining and witty. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I'm now reading The Scarlet Letter. Not sure how I'm going to like it, I'm only a few pages in, but we'll see. I'm trying to read a bunch of classics to seem more... educated? No. I really just want to have my own opinion of them.
Okay. I think that's about all I've to say.
'til next time!