Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fascinated By Everything

Today I was looking up muscles just because they fascinate me. I like the strange names they have and seeing how they all have a purpose and place. I like the way the look when mapped out. Call me weird, but I do.

Last semester I drew skeletons over and over and over again (they were free models that wouldn't move while drawing them) and it was so cool! I never had the time to sit/stand and analyze what our bones look like until I had to draw them. Awesome stuff.

Communication also fascinates me. The reason why I want to learn other languages isn't so I can seem smart or I like one particular language, it's so I can slowly break down the barriers that we have because of miscommunication. Where words come from, how they've changed, how they are produced. It's all so incredible that I get a little giddy when I start talking about it.

I have been chided many times because of my simple fascination of everything. I've heard "You're so easily amused" or "There's nothing that doesn't interest you," to which I often reply cheerily, "I'd much rather be easily amused than never amused at all." And it's true. This life is to be enjoyed. No matter what your beliefs or non-beliefs are, you know it's so much easier to live when you genuinely enjoy everything around you.

There are so many wonders around us. Why not enjoy them?

Have you ever noticed how fast an ant moves? Incredible considering its size.

Have you ever watched the tip of you pen/pencil when writing? All of the sudden it seems like magic.

Think about it. We are surrounded by these things that we have grown so accustomed to, that we no longer consider them special.

Monday, March 12, 2012

So I Went On An Adventure.

Last week was spring break. And for those of you who know me know that I tend to get restless and crave adventures. Let me tell you, last week hit the spot.

Me and a few friends - some old, some new - went down to the everglades and set up our tents. We didn't have much of an agenda the first day, so we just talked with each other and entertained each other with jokes, stories and speculation.

The first night I saw a rainbow created by the moon. It was dark out and it had rained a little, but after the skies had cleared a little there was a rainbow - ever so faint, but definitely there. It was astounding. I didn't know it was possible, but there it was. I'm not talking about the ring around the full moon, but an actual rainbow on the opposite horizon.

Just looked it up on wiki. It's called a moonbow.

The next day we packed up and went to meet the rest of our group so we could launch off in our canoes and paddle our way to an uninhabited island.

Needless to say it was a pretty cool experience. The sky was constantly the best part of the trip, in my opinion. We canoed against everything. The tide, the waves and the wind. It was so hard. I apparently did something to my shoulder on the way there, because it hurt so bad, I was shaking and I couldn't get any sleep, no matter how hard I tried. I finally came out of the tent and ended up getting a blessing from two priesthood holders and things eventually turned out okay. I was the one to sit in the middle without a paddle on the way back, though. Lucky me there was one person who had to sit in the middle the entire time. (I'm not really putting it off as luck, though)

There are so many things that I learned on this trip that I don't know how to express. I don't think anyone will be able to understand without going through the same thing.

But yeah, for those that want to do the same thing, I would recommend it in a heart beat and wouldn't mind doing it again someday.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pancakes and Waffles

I just got off the phone with a good friend and let me just tell you, today has been GOOD. Sure, not everything was perfect, but I feel good, loved and happy. The bad things of today will soon be forgotten. So, I've decided to make a list of things that make me happy for future reference. Here goes.

God and Jesus Christ.
They have to go first. Always. I know some people don't appreciate faith, or religion, but it plays too much of a role in my life for me not to mention it just for the sake of the few that would be offended by my own beliefs. God, whether you know it or not, loves each and every one of us. That means you. And me. And that makes me happy. I can always count on things being okay because I know this.

My family.
They're just the best friends I could ever ask for.

My friends.
They're basically family.

Seriously best breakfast/anytime food ever. I may be the only person to prefer them to waffles, but oh well. They're amazing. IHOP is one of my favorite restaurants ever.

Tracy Chapman music.
No joke. Every time I listen to her I feel at peace and so relaxed. Whenever I hear the first few notes of "Fast Car" or "Crossroads" I sigh as if I had just stepped into a jacuzzi. She's amazing.

The ukulele.
It is what one's soul sounds like when it smiles. How can it NOT make you feel happy?

More of the creation than the actual viewing, to be honest. Art is my therapy. My best friend. My outlet. My sanity. My life.

When someone I miss starts the conversation.
I have some friends that I haven't talked to in a long time and some of them I really miss. The only reason that I haven't talked to them in a while is because I'm always the one to start the conversation, so I feel like I'm the only one interested in staying in touch and I lose the courage of calling/texting them. So I always appreciate it when someone just wants to talk to me.

I honestly enjoy thinking. I'm intrigued by just about anything and want to learn more about everything. I just like figuring stuff out. There's a reason why I know so many random facts about everything.

They let me know people are actually reading this.

The last one's a joke.

... kinda.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Can I tell you something?

You probably already know it, but I'm going to say it again anyway.

I love to travel. Especially road trips.

And I'm kind of craving it right now. I want to be at the Grand Canyon again. I want to be in Germany or Japan, the two countries that have fascinated me for years. I want to be somewhere. ANYWHERE. But here. At my apartment. In Orlando. In Florida.

I'd prefer a sleeping bag or a friend's couch to a bed any day. (Especially since mine is incredibly uncomfortable). I prefer a campfire and guitar to an LCD screen and iTunes. I'm okay with things being a little dirty. I love the sound of crickets in the summer. I love the simple serenity of nature. I don't care if it's hot.

I just want to go somewhere. It doesn't have to be camping. I don't have to have a lot of people. Shoot. I would go alone if it was safe.