Saturday, December 10, 2011

Little Bit of Thanks. Little Bit of Ramble

I'm really surprised and touched by all the people who read my last post and commented/ told me that they read it. Although I don't really know how to reply to the latter... So, if I don't reply don't take offense.
On another note. I just finished some pretty good sushi. If you want to make me happy, sushi's a way to do it.
On to the main thought of the day:
I have an idea for a story that might be slightly controversial. I want to illustrate it, but I'm afraid of what others will think. Heck. I'm afraid to even say that I have an idea that is controversial. Even though I don't care about what strangers think, I'm terrified of letting down my friends, but I guess that those that aren't willing to accept my ideas and thoughts aren't really going to support me in anything, anyway.
You know what? I really admire controversial artists. I may not agree with what they are saying, but at least they're willing to say it. They don't worry about what everyone else is going to say.
It's not like I'm trying to say anything that important even. I just want to write a story that doesn't exactly end in the most ideal way possible. I've always been a fan of stories that end with the death of the protagonist (no takesy-backsies like in Harry Potter). And, well, my story is sort of like that. It doesn't end with the most ideal situation for the protagonist. And people don't respond well to that. I'm talking about the lovable type of protagonist that you can't help but root for. I guess I prefer stories that are closer to real life rather than those that present an escape from reality. And people deal with their hearts ripped out of their chests pretty frequently. Life isn't a chick-flick.
I'm going to illustrate it anyway. Whether I let others read it or not is for me to decide later, I guess.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Little Bit About Me.

I hate writing blogs.
'Nough said. Yet here I am, doing it anyway.

I really like being called 'kid'.
Not really sure why.

... And Letta.
It's really grown on me.

My favorite song is not a love song.
When you think of favorite songs, most people will say a song like "Iris" by the goo goo dolls or some song by Adele or Coldplay. While there is nothing wrong with that and I am a big fan of all of it, it's not my favorite. My favorite song is "Crossroads" by Tracy Chapman. I cannot listen to that song and not feel what Tracy Chapman felt. It is a song with power, with passion and with soul. And African instruments. Win.

I don't remember just one thing.
If you tell me something, I'll most likely remember it. And what we were doing, what we were talking about, the way you said it (rhythm and such) and maybe even what you were wearing. It's just how I remember things.

I play the guitar and ukulele for everyone else to sing.
I don't like singing. I love music and will sing for that purpose, but I would much rather have everyone around me sing together than me being the only one. There is power, peace and love in unity. It's always amazing when you get a whole room of people singing together. Not perfectly, but that's not what matters.

I get hurt a lot easier than some people think.
I'm not strong. Never was. I make mistakes. People hurt me. I keep letting them do it. Is that naivete? Or just me being stupid?

I don't like being alone.
Yeah. It's true. Sometimes I need space, but most of the time I just want to be around people. Not necessarily INTERACTING with them... that requires too much effort.

I appreciate hugs, or the idea of them, more than you think.
I just find them to be awkward and uncomfortable, but they're growing on me.

I don't understand hate. Or violence. Or disrespect to another's opinion.
I'm not saying I've never hated anything or never hurt someone/thing etc. I just don't understand it. And I don't like those feelings.

I can't stand cinematic gore.
It's why I rarely watch movies. Especially the older ones with really bad computer graphics. I don't forget those scenes. They constantly replay in my head with just the tiniest trigger.
I'm fine in real life, though, when an accident occurs (I mean that I don't freak out). I've fixed up many of my brother's injuries...

I'm not cool.
I don't know where you people get this notion.

I think I'm done.
... Yeah. I'm done.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Really It's the Lack of Interest

Hey everyone!

You know, all 4 of you...

I was sitting here on my favorite chair doing nothing in my living room thinking, "this is really boring, I need something to do."

"But what?" I countered myself. "I don't have any homework. It's Thursday and I don't have anymore classes until Monday. What could I do?"

Then I realized I hadn't written a decent blog on here in a VERY long time. So. Here I am, trying to make up for it. Well. Kind of. I don't really like blogging. I feel like I'm not very funny written down. Or at all, actually. I also normally just end up whining on here and that's never much fun at all.

I wish I had a better excuse for not writing, but really the only reason I don't is because I'm not that interested in blogging.

Have you every heard of the blog hyperbole and a half? It's written by an absolute genius.

Here's the link to the blog:

Anyway, I wish I had the geniusness to write like that. I say I wish I had it, because I don't really want to work on developing the skill.

It's raining. Like REALLY raining.

See? Rain. Oh and a little bit of me, too.

I love stormy weather, with all the wind, water and thunder. I love the uncertainty of whether or not your lights are going to go out. The perfect excuse it gives not to leave the house. The sleepy feeling you get when you relax in your favorite chair.

The only problem is that sometimes I have to go places. Sometimes I have to get something done. Sometimes I break out in hives because the water's cold and I'm allergic to cold. Sometimes I have a class to get to.

But not today. Today it's just me and my childish desire to go jumping in all the puddles while watching the amazing grey cloud rumble overhead. I love it.

My car's been having troubles lately with overheating. I'm assuming there's a crack in the radiator. I've just been filling up the radiator regularly and that was working just fine until yesterday, it wasn't good enough. I'm kind of afraid to drive my car now. I have a friend who said he can replace the radiator for me, so yeah. Hopefully that'll be done this weekend.

I don't know how many of you reading this already know this, but I live with an elderly couple (Les and Carol) and another student (Lili). Well, Carol and Les are in Missouri until June (PARTAY!!!) and so Lili and I have taken over the place. We rearranged the chairs to our liking and we actually turn on the ceiling lights.

Anyway, so Carol had been trying to get ahold of Lili the past couple of days and she left this message on her phone:

"Hi Lili, I'm getting really worried about you. I'm going to come over there and spanking you... unless you're dead or something."

Yep. She really worries about us.