Saturday, July 26, 2014

Mission Memory 1

I know I haven't written anything on here since I left for my mission, and I'm not really interested in giving a travel log. I'm just going to continue posting random thoughts and feelings that I feel appropriate to be shared. They may or may not include my mission. This one is a mission memory.

One cold morning in January 2014, I was studying and at that time of my mission I was really struggling with forgiving someone who I felt had hurt me quite a lot. I wanted to move on and didn't really know how.

I felt exhausted with the weight of the issue, when this poem just flowed right out of me. I hope that others will find it helpful in resolving their own hurts and pains. Anyway. Here it is:

Sitting and thinking of things that are past
Wrongs and hurts and stings that did last
I have longed to know of what happened to be
Of the young man who once long ago hurt me
I have hoped that my savior he has come to find
As He asked me not to leave my brother behind
"But he hurt me," I would profusely reject
"His paid debt, I refuse to accept."
"Accept it or not," He calmly replied,
"But for him, too, my body had died
"Not forgiving him is not forgiving me
"I paid his price and have set him free."
My eyes were opened and my heart did fill
To the brim of the top and did threaten to spill
I will meet my brother, I know it is true,
Whether he asks it or not, I know what to do.
I have moved on and will freely forgive.
For our savior died that we both may live.
My dear brother who hurts, I hope you have seen
That through the Atonement, you can be made clean.
For us He died, this fact is well known,
And now He lives to call us His own.

The most incredible thing to me, as I read this poem, is remembering how much I learned as I wrote this. I am not a poet, but I know the Spirit taught me about the Atonement as I was writing this. I also learned that day what it felt like to be meek and watch the Spirit teach me very specifically what I needed to do to forgive. It was powerful. Once again, I hope those who read this will benefit from it and all will appreciate it.