Thursday, March 31, 2011

Really It's the Lack of Interest

Hey everyone!

You know, all 4 of you...

I was sitting here on my favorite chair doing nothing in my living room thinking, "this is really boring, I need something to do."

"But what?" I countered myself. "I don't have any homework. It's Thursday and I don't have anymore classes until Monday. What could I do?"

Then I realized I hadn't written a decent blog on here in a VERY long time. So. Here I am, trying to make up for it. Well. Kind of. I don't really like blogging. I feel like I'm not very funny written down. Or at all, actually. I also normally just end up whining on here and that's never much fun at all.

I wish I had a better excuse for not writing, but really the only reason I don't is because I'm not that interested in blogging.

Have you every heard of the blog hyperbole and a half? It's written by an absolute genius.

Here's the link to the blog:

Anyway, I wish I had the geniusness to write like that. I say I wish I had it, because I don't really want to work on developing the skill.

It's raining. Like REALLY raining.

See? Rain. Oh and a little bit of me, too.

I love stormy weather, with all the wind, water and thunder. I love the uncertainty of whether or not your lights are going to go out. The perfect excuse it gives not to leave the house. The sleepy feeling you get when you relax in your favorite chair.

The only problem is that sometimes I have to go places. Sometimes I have to get something done. Sometimes I break out in hives because the water's cold and I'm allergic to cold. Sometimes I have a class to get to.

But not today. Today it's just me and my childish desire to go jumping in all the puddles while watching the amazing grey cloud rumble overhead. I love it.

My car's been having troubles lately with overheating. I'm assuming there's a crack in the radiator. I've just been filling up the radiator regularly and that was working just fine until yesterday, it wasn't good enough. I'm kind of afraid to drive my car now. I have a friend who said he can replace the radiator for me, so yeah. Hopefully that'll be done this weekend.

I don't know how many of you reading this already know this, but I live with an elderly couple (Les and Carol) and another student (Lili). Well, Carol and Les are in Missouri until June (PARTAY!!!) and so Lili and I have taken over the place. We rearranged the chairs to our liking and we actually turn on the ceiling lights.

Anyway, so Carol had been trying to get ahold of Lili the past couple of days and she left this message on her phone:

"Hi Lili, I'm getting really worried about you. I'm going to come over there and spanking you... unless you're dead or something."

Yep. She really worries about us.