Sunday, December 9, 2012

One Week

You read that right. I have one week left.

I am freaking out just a little.

I just found out that my mission president and his wife have a blog... there goes any train of thought that I may have just had.

Back again.

Sort of.

I gave a talk today in Church, but not actually in the ward I go to. I gave it in my home ward. I'm actually pretty satisfied with the way it turned out. I got some pretty cool (and some pretty weird) compliments after the meeting was over. My favorite was from a man I've known most of my life, "I've heard farewell talks for the past 32 years, and yours is probably the best I've ever heard." That one seriously made my day. Another, from a woman I've also known most of my life, "You looked so pretty up there with your hair down." I smiled and told her that it gets hot, so I put my hair up after I was done talking. "I wasn't saying that you don't look pretty now, you just look prettier with your hair down." Thanks?

Anyway. Life has been crazy lately. Getting ready to fly out and teach people the gospel. I cannot express enough how incredibly excited I am to go, but this is one of those quiet moments where I start to think that I won't be ready in time. It's ridiculous, I know. I also that no matter how much I prepare, I will never be fully prepared.

8 days left. Let's do this.

1 comment:

  1. I know you might not read this anytime soon, but I love you so, so much, and I am so excited for you and your new journey.
